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Deliveroo is closing operations in Hong Kong
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小心燙 Careful Creamy - Extended Delivery
🚚 甜蜜堂 Sweet Mall - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
🚚 夠辣 Master Chili - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
🚚 潮味 Chiu Taste - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
McDonald's 麥當勞
34號快餐店 (新流連屋快餐小食串燒)
肥妹小食 Fat Mui Snack
一麵緣 One Noodle
🚚MY串寶 MySkewers - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
Cafe De Beans 荳子冰室
Dough Bros TKO - Pizza & Doughnuts
番茄18 Tomato 18
NOC Coffee Co.
Tei Mou Koon Dessert 地茂館甜品 (將軍澳廣場)
洪記粥品 Hung Kee Congee
Marks & Spencer 馬莎
堅信號上海生煎皇 Ging Sun Ho King Of Bun
王牌冰廳 Gold Label Restaurant